
Show Review - Architecture In Helsinki/Glass Candy

10/25/07 The Bottleneck, Lawrence

It's pretty sad now that I am working a normal 8 to 5 job that I actually get excited when I find out a show I'm traveling to Lawrence to see is going to be an early show. That also what might have been the downfall for opening band Glass Candy. With some of the best dance beats this side of LCD Soundsystem & Simian Mobile Disco they should have turned the medium sized Bottleneck crowd into a full-fledged disco. Sadly because they hit the stage a little after 8, I don't think the crowd was ready for it that early. But by the time they played their last song the area in front of the stage had erupted with spastic, dancing hipsters galore. If I had a few more beers and Glass Candy had gone on a few hours later...I might have actually joined them. The music was that good.

Australia's Architecture In Helsinki kept the dancing going, although they're more along the lines of indie-pop rather than straight up dance music. This was a show I went into with little expectations. I am a casual fan of AIH's last two albums but I had heard their live shows were great. They are a really entertaining band to watch play live. Not only do they genuinely have a lot of fun but they are constantly trading instruments between songs. At least four different members played guitar throughout the evening and at least three different played keyboards. At one point, the same guy played guitar, keyboards and busted out the triangle all in the same song. Without a doubt it was a great show and it definitely made me want to revisit Architecture In Helsinki's most recent album, Places Like This, again to give it another chance.

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