07/13/08 Starlight Theatre, Kansas City

Another great concert announcement for Kansas City as Feist will be playing at Starlight Theatre on July 13th. Tickets go on sale April 12th, although I wouldn't be in too much of a rush because my prediction is this won't even get close to selling out (unless she gets a killer opening band or I am severely underestimating the amount of popularity an Ipod commercial will give you).
Feist Myspace
You might be severely underestimating, she just played a sold out show in St. Louis last weekend. In fact, it was the same night as Fleet Foxes, and as good as Feist was, I was crushed to find out she was coming to KC, and I could have stayed in town after all and caught the Foxes.
Nice blog, I have one too, though we're straying from the local stuff, and we've been really busy the past month and haven't posted nearly as much as we were. Check it out anyhow if you like, I'll put the link at the bottom. Also, if you're gonna be at Spoon or the Dodos on Sunday, perhaps we can chat music over a beer.
I could be way off base, it's happened many times before. Though after seeing Starlight 1/3 empty for Arcade Fire/LCD Soundsystem last year I just can't see Feist filling the place up. I'm pretty sure Starlight holds 7000+ which is a tall order for her to fill.
Either way I will be in attendance at the Ween show at the Crossroads that night, because after seeing Feist and Ween (3 times) there is no way she can come close to the live show they put on.
I didn't make it to either The Dodo's or Spoon on Sunday....damn early morning job in KC keeps me from seeing quite a few Lawrence shows now-adays.
I do like your blog though Ryan. I've ran across it before but I do really enjoy it.
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