This is a damn shame. Jay Bennett was a member of Wilco for the stretch of brilliance from Being There through Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. He came off as a complete prick and his departure from the band was featured in the Wilco documentary I Am Trying To Break Your Heart, which I have a feeling was an unfair portrayal. Either way he was an absolutely brilliant musician and is a huge part of the three best Wilco albums ever recorded, including what I still think is the best album of this decade, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.
RIP Jay.
I'm sure I'll spend most of the day listening to old Wilco and some of Bennett's solo stuff. First up: Summerteeth.
"Go back to sleep now, My darlin
And I’ll keep all the bad dreams away
Breathe now, think sweet things
And I’ll think of all the right words to say"
Hmmmm, I feel like a shit bag now. Recently, I've had some harsh words about Jay : see Wilco (The Album) Cover Art posted here on May 8th. With that said, dude was a gifted S.O.B. And I was lucky to see him perform live once. RIP Jay.
Feel bad taking this long to comment, but was able to see Wilco twice, once with and without Jay. Always two sides to a breakup, and while jay reminded me of a former bandmate who drove me crazy, there's no doubt about his talent and that Wilco lost a little soul when he left. Being There is one of my tops for all-time, with Summerteeth a close second. Nice quote, Matt.
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