All you need to do is leave your name, email address and your favorite Drive-By Truckers lyric in the comments (If you don't want to leave your email address in the comments, just shoot an email to jeopardyofcontentment(at)gmail(dot)com so I can match up the comment with an email address for contact if you win...you still need to comment either way!). We'll randomly select a winner on Tuesday, September 21st and you and one guest will enjoy the best Rock Show around.
First of all, let me be the first to say congrats on this honor. I knew it was just a matter of time that the JoC got some well deserved recognition. Ok.... My name is Dexter, my email is
mdexter86@yahoo.com, & my favorite DBT lyric has to be.... "So I'll take two of what you're having and I'll take all of what you got to kill this goddamn lonely, goddamn lonely love." Again, congrats Matt & JoC. Cheers!
Obvious choice:
"One night in Kansas City we thought about killing a man"
I can identify.
Vic Young
Thought about picking a non Jason Isbell line, but couldn't pass this lyric up. "There ain't much difference in the man I wanna be and the man I really am"
I didn't want to post my email address so I emailed you my contact info.
Woot! I want to see DBT for free!!!!
"Workin' this job is a kick in the pants"
because I'm at my job right now and it is a kick in the pants.
"So much beauty and just enough time to figure out how to destroy it."
august.johnson at gmail.com
You don't want non of this shit Dewey...it takes all of your bad feelings and turns them into good feelings.
I think I'd like to try me some of that DBT.
Dewey (Kell Sturgis)
"You said you're tired of me taking you for granted waiting up to the last minute to call you up to see what you're gonna do.
But you're only sixteen now you ain't got no secretary and for granted's a mighty big word for a country girl like you"
"Your Daddy is a deacon down at the Salem Church of Christ-And He makes good money as long as Reynolds Wrap keeps everything wrapped up tight" pond80@gmail.com
"You can lie to your momma, you can lie to your race, but you can't lie to noone with that cold steel in your face."
jayday1@mac.com (jordan day)
Congrats Schramalama!
So, we already won free tickets from Boulevard but here is my favorite lyric anyway. Congrats Matty.
"Hell No, I ain't happy."
kschram@hotmail.com.... ahhh nepotism:)
Thanks to everyone that commented. Kell is the winner....Kell I'll send you an email with info on how to pick up your tickets.
FU Kell and the horse you rode in on. At least I'm not bitter.
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