
2011 Albums Of The Year (50-26)

I apologize for not putting as much time and effort into my albums of the year post this year. I'm only actually writing a bit on the top 25, but still want to include 50-26 because these are all really, really good albums. It was a fairly good year for music when there are albums not even in my top 50 that I genuinely enjoyed as well in 2011.

Here are my 50-26 favorite albums of 2011:

50. William Elliott Whitmore - Field Songs
49. The Dodos - No Color
48. Cass McCombs - Wit's End
47. Mogwai - Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will
46. Roadside Graves - We Can Take Care Of Ourselves
45. The Weeknd - House Of Balloons
44. Handsome Furs - Sound Kapital
43. The Low Anthem - Smart Flesh
42. Cults - Cults
41. Battles - Glass Drop
39. DeVotchka - 100 Lovers
38. Radiohead - The King Of Limbs
37. Sole and the Skyrider Band - Hello Cruel World
36. Neon Indian - Era Extranifa
35. Junior Boys - It's All True
34. St. Vincent - Strange Mercy
33. Ryan Adams - Ashes & Fire
32. Childish Gambino - Camp
31. The Antlers - Burst Apart
30. Wild Beasts - Smother
29. TV on the Radio - Nine Types Of Light
28. The Roots - UNDUN
27. Smith Westerns - Dye It Blonde
26. Russian Circles - Empros

Stay tuned for 25-1 in the next few days.


1 comment:

Ryan said...


My favorite post of the year.